Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Quick Update

This will be a quickie since Olive has already been asleep for one hour, thus my window of opportunity for a chunk of sleep tonight is rapidly closing. Grandparents have been clamoring for pictures of Olive, so here goes...

Olive and Junie modeling their blankets from Aunt Penny. I love Olive's blanket: it resembles a fur coat and matches her old lady name perfectly.

At about two weeks old, Olive barely qualifies for the classification of "bigger than a breadbox" (or a loaf of bread, anyway).

The results of an extraordinary burst of sharing by Junie - the entire contents of Junie's crib ended up on Olive (and Mom) during Olive's breakfast.

Olive, at about 3 1/2 weeks, modeling her new outfit from Grandma Berg.

Even with all the responsibilities of a new baby, Mom and Dad still found time for a night out thanks to Grandma Rands' fortuitous one night stop in South Bend on her way to Pittsburgh. (Drinking Coca Cola out of champagne glasses wouldn't really be that cool except that we're in a stretch limo.)


stacie said...

This is a former New Vista co-worker...just wanted to say that you have two beautiful girls with two awesome names. Naming a kid is, in my opinion, much more difficult than most people seem to think. I love the name Olive, never really thought about it until you used it, but nice work. Great name.

Rick said...

Great pictures, can't wait to meet Olive in person. Junie is looking cuter every day. You guys look great too, and I want to hear all about that fancy date in a limo??? That sounds like one of Cody's great ideas for his lovely wife.

We love you both!!!

TJ and Julia Peper said...

Yeah, I want to hear about this fancy date too!! I've never been in a limo! Olive is so cute! love you guys :)